Monday, October 29, 2012

Benefits of Couples Fitness

This type of training does not include sitting on a couch talking about your feelings. No, I'm talking about fitness. Using your spouse as your training partner. A Bringham Young University study showed that men with excellent health tended to have wives that were also healthy. The University of Pennsylvania found that working out as couples boosted weight loss. Not to say training with your spouse makes you burn more calories when your doing bench press. (Well unless she/he forgets she/he is spotting you). But there are definite benefits, creating us time, motivation, and improved sex life.

I know when I get to train with Jake (My husband) I tend to train harder than when I am by myself. We also tend to talk more because we are not distracted by other things (TV , Bills, Pets, Housework). We have pretty great conversations at the gym and because we are just casually talking we still get a lot done. There is less stress on the conversation because its not necessarily the focal point.

That additional personal time and iron pumping can also be a fire for the bedroom. Lets be honest all men like watchin a lady do squats and what better job than to be a spotter. Not to mention everyone feels better and sexier when they leave the gym. The improved self confidence and body you get from the gym will be obvious and a boost for the bedroom.

Motivation is an additional plus. Some mornings I can barely drag myself out of bed to make it to the gym. But when my husband and I both have to go it makes it so much easier. Especially because "he" gets out of bed to turn the light on! Generally people have an easier time sticking to a workout plan when they are held accountable by a partner. Plus, you can go harder because you have someone there to push you and spot.

You don't have to train together every day or even for the whole workout. Find what works well for you.

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